Bob Montgomery-Rice

Bob Montgomery-Rice
President & CEOBangor Savings Bank
Cumberland, ME & Bangor, ME
Bob Montgomery-Rice is President and CEO of Bangor Savings Bank and serves on the Bank’s Board of Directors. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a Human Resources Management Certificate from the University of Maine.
Bob is a Leadership Maine Alumnus, Rho Class, and sits on Maine Development Foundation’s Leadership Maine Advisory Committee, Maine Community College Foundation, the Maine State Chamber, and Maine & Co. Bob recently served on the Governor’s Economic Recovery Committee, co-chaired the Innovation and Tourism subcommittees, as well as served as Chair of the Maine Bankers’ Association, remaining an active member of the Board for the Maine Bankers’ Benefit Trust. He has previously served as a member of the Maine Broadband Task Force, the Maine Economic Research Institute (MERI), and the Bangor Historical Society. Bob has also served as a board member of the United Way of Eastern Maine, including serving as Co-Chair with his wife, Jennifer on the 2020 Eastern Maine United Way Campaign.
Bob and Jennifer reside in Hampden and Cumberland.