LifeFlight News

Updates from the Flightdeck: Our Fleet, Our Team, Our Partners, and Our Infrastructure

Dear Friends, In our previous issue of Dispatches, we committed to three resolutions for 2024. The first one, which is the core of the LifeFlight mission, is to continue to expand access to critical care and medical transport for patients across the state of Maine. We are delighted to report that five months in we have several […]

2024 LifeFlight Emergency Care Open raises more than $42,000 to support LifeFlight’s clinical education programs

We are delighted to announce that the 2024 LifeFlight Emergency Care Open golf tournament raised more than $42,000 for LifeFlight of Maine’s clinical education program! Nearly 140 golfer joined us at Natanis Golf Course in Vassalboro on Monday, June 17, 2024. The tournament is a wonderful opportunity to bring together LifeFlight crew, EMS and aviation […]

LifeFlight of Maine mourns the loss of friend and benefactor Linda Bean

LifeFlight of Maine mourns the loss of our friend and benefactor Linda Bean. “Linda was unique and irreplaceable. Her support of LifeFlight and healthcare access overall was emblematic of her deep affection for the people of Maine,” noted Tom Judge, founding executive director of LifeFlight. “She was a woman of action, who led and inspired […]

The Work on the Ground that Keeps Us in the Air

This story appeared in the Spring 2024 issue of Dispatches. “Helicopters defy the laws of physics.” Carlos Marrero was attempting to explain in layman’s terms what it takes to keep a LifeFlight of Maine helicopter safely in the air. “There are so many moving parts and vibrations in a helicopter. They need to be maintained often.” Carlos […]

Welcome to LifeFlight 2024!

This story appeared in the Spring 2024 issue of Dispatches. Dear Friends, An age-old tradition as the clock strikes midnight on the morning of January 1 is to think of resolutions, like improving our health, doing good for others, or seeing a new corner of the world. At LifeFlight of Maine, we made some resolutions for […]