LifeFlight News

John Bosse

John Bosse spent most of his career on the administrative side of healthcare as a senior director of patient financial services, but in 2021 he found himself on the other side of the healthcare system as a critically ill COVID-19 patient.

LifeFlight Patients and Crew Share Why They “Cross for LifeFlight” with WGME Channel 13 in Portland

WGME Channel 13 in Portland is running a series of short commercials highlighting the Cross for LifeFlight. LifeFlight patients and crew were interviewed by the TV station and appear in these clips. We would like to say a huge “thank you” to WGME for their support! We also want to thank LifeFlight patients KC Ford, […]

LifeFlight of Maine Celebrates Successful Conclusion of The Complete The Fleet Campaign.

LifeFlight of Maine Completes the Fleet to Provide Mainers withUpgraded Critical Care Air Transport (Auburn, ME) LifeFlight of Maine is the state’s only emergency air ambulance service,bringing advanced skills, medical technology, pharmacy, blood, and more directly to apatient’s side, wherever he/she is. Looking toward the horizon is a necessity in air medical transport, so in […]

Public Notice: CAMTS Accreditation Site Visit/October 9 & 10

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems will conduct anaccreditation site visit of:LIFEFLIGHT OF MAINE on OCTOBER 9-10. 2022 The purpose of the site visit will be to evaluate the program’s compliance with nationallyestablished medical transport standards. The site visit results will be used to determine whether.and the conditions under which accreditation should be […]