Why Laura and Bob Hefner Support LifeFlight of Maine

Originally from Texas, beautiful Maine summers spent on the water are a big reason why Laura and Bob Hefner decided to purchase a home in the midcoast. After settling in, they were looking for ways to support the special way of life in a state where they already had so many fond memories.

At a reception in 2022 hosted by The LifeFlight Foundation for donors and supporters, they learned about the critical care transport services that LifeFlight provides every day and night to critically ill or injured people in Maine, and they were immediately interested in supporting that mission.

“LifeFlight is a vital part of life in the midcoast,” said Bob. “The service it provides truly impacts everyone in Maine, in our community and beyond.” 

“LifeFlight supports this wonderful way of life,” Laura added, “and we are all so blessed to be a part of this community.”

As a nonprofit, LifeFlight’s mission is made possible by generous support from people like Laura and Bob Hefner. Their contributions help ensure access to critical care with the speed of a helicopter in Maine’s many rural communities and small towns. For those facing acute medical emergencies, that can make all the difference.