Quentin Walz
Quentin Walz
Fundraising LeadDataKind
Camden, ME
Quentin leads fundraising for DataKind, a pro bono global data science consultancy. He is a 20+ year digital media professional working for such large publishers as Hearst, Meredith and Fast Company. During that time, he was an active fundraiser with number of charity organizations including chairman of the American Paralysis Association (now Christopher and Dana Reeves Paralysis Foundation), co-founder of the Achilles Vision-Impaired Tandem Cycling Program in NYC and lead development trustee for the Lower Eastside Service Center which treats over 1,500 substance use disorder clients each day.
Quentin grew up in Riverside, CT. He and his partner, Jenn, are avid skiers, hikers, fly fishers, swimmers, and sailors. They were married on the Appledore on Penobscot Bay with their 26-year-old daughter, Lydia, in 2018. Quentin and Jenn live in Camden.