Ways to Give

Ways to Give

When you support LifeFlight of Maine, you’re partnering with our crew of clinicians, pilots, emergency care partners, and other donors to ensure that LifeFlight is there to answer the call for help. You are helping us care for the people of Maine.

Questions About Giving?

For more information about how you can make a monthly or regular gift to LifeFlight, please contact Ashley MacMillan, Director of Annual Giving, at amacmillan@lifeflightmaine.org or 207-300-5832.

Annual Giving

Annual giving provides consistent support for LifeFlight, either to benefit specific programs or services, or to help where the need is greatest. Each year, the Foundation develops and shares both a Fall and Spring appeal, designed to inspire donors to contribute to the most urgent needs of LifeFlight.

Monthly Giving

Some donors prefer to make an automatic monthly gift, as this is often easier for them and is a fantastic way to make a larger gift that is spread throughout the year.

Memorial Giving

Many people tell us that LifeFlight had a profound impact on their life or on that of a family member and ask that donations in honor of a loved one be directed to LifeFlight. We are deeply grateful for this powerful expression of support.

If you would like to direct memorial gifts to The LifeFlight Foundation we would be honored to assist you. Please contact Anna Dugal, Director of Development, at adugal@lifeflightofmaine.org or 207-230-7092.

Paying tribute to a loved one

Tribute gifts are a special way to honor and celebrate a loved one’s life or legacy. At your direction, we will notify the person you are recognizing about your generous gift.


The LifeFlight Foundation is grateful for the generous support of our donors. We recognize donors in many ways, and we welcome an opportunity to recognize your gift. However, if you prefer, your gift can most certainly be anonymous.

Other Giving Options

Donor-Advised Funds

A donor-advised fund, or “DAF,” is a charitable fund or account established by a donor at a public charity (called a “sponsoring organization”) over which the donor maintains advisory privileges—in other words, the donor “advises” the sponsoring organization as to which charities should receive donations from the DAF.

The first DAFs were established nearly a century ago at community foundations. Today, they exist at different types of charitable sponsors, such as universities, hospitals, charities affiliated with corporate entities (such as Vanguard, Fidelity, or Schwab), and community foundations (such as the Maine Community Foundation) among others.

Many donors use DAFs for traditional individual and family giving. If you have an established DAF, be assured that The LifeFlight Foundation is a great choice when it comes time for you to designate gifts.

There are many ways to support our mission. We can help you understand all your giving options and work with you to develop an approach that is aligned with your interests and means. You may decide to make a gift now or over time. For more information or to simply explore your options, please contact Anna Dugal, Director of Development, at adugal@lifeflightmaine.org or 207-542-6636.

Gifts from Retirement Assets

Gifts from Retirement Assets

You may be looking for a new way to make a big difference to help further LifeFlight’s mission. If you are 70½ or older, you may use an IRA charitable rollover to make a gift to LifeFlight while reducing your own income tax liability.

Benefits of an IRA charitable rollover:

•          Avoid taxes on transfers of up to $100,000, from your IRA to our organization

•          Satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD), if any, for the year

•          Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions

•          Make a gift that is not subject to the deduction limits on charitable gifts

•          Help further the work and mission of LifeFlight!

How an IRA charitable rollover gift works:

  1. Contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift from your IRA to the LifeFlight Foundation.
  2. Your IRA funds will be directly transferred to the LifeFlight Foundation to help continue its important work. (Please note that IRA charitable rollover gifts cannot be counted as a qualified charitable distribution if they are deposited into a donor advised fund rather than sent directly to the organization).
  3. IRA rollover gifts do not qualify for a charitable deduction. Instead, the distribution from your account is not included in your income—which is a benefit regardless of whether you itemize or use the standard deduction.
  4. IRA charitable rollover gifts can count as a part of your Required Minimum Distribution for the year.
  5. Please contact us if you wish your gift to be used for a specific purpose. An unrestricted gift, however, gives LifeFlight the flexibility to use the funds where they are needed most.
Gifts of Stocks & Securities

Many donors prefer to make a gift using securities as they are a great vehicle to avoid capital gains tax.

Stock gifts for the benefit of:


Tax ID #: 52-2377085

PO Box 859
Augusta, ME 04332

Contact: Anna Dugal, Director of Development, at adugal@lifeflightmaine.org or 207-230-7092

Please provide the following information to your broker for the transfer of stocks:

Attn: TOA Receives
PO Box 770001
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0036
Customer Service: (800) 544-6666

DTC #: 0226
Account #: Z40209435
Account Name: The LifeFlight Foundation

For additional information on other types of transfers, including wire transfers, please contact Anna Dugal at adugal@lifeflightmaine.org or 207-230-7092. Click here to download our form with complete and thorough instructions.